Signs of Low Tire Pressure

There are many maintenance tasks that are important for ensuring the proper functioning of your vehicle as well as your overall safety. Perhaps the most often overlooked of these tasks is keeping your tires properly inflated. When the air pressure in your tires is low, it can reduce your vehicle’s performance and decrease your level of safety.

However, if you’ve never checked the pressure of your tires in Daytona Beach, you may not know many of the common warnings signs of low tire pressure and how to correct the issue. Read about the signs of low tire pressure and find out how maintaining tire pressure is vital to the long-term functionality of your vehicle.

Check Your Old-Fashioned Tire Gauge

If you’re a responsible car owner, then you probably have a tire gauge in your vehicle. While using a tire gauge may seem a little old fashioned, it is still one of the best ways to check your tire pressure to make sure that it is at its proper level.

About once a month, you should take your tire gauge and check the pressure in each one of your tires. This is especially important in severe weather conditions that can cause your tires to deflate. By checking once a month, you’ll immediately know when your pressure is low and be able to correct the issue before you or your vehicle suffers serious consequences.

Tire Pressure Technology

The benefit of driving a modern vehicle is having access to innovative technology, and this includes features that can help you check the pressure of your car’s tires. Many newer vehicles come equipped with something called a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). If your vehicle is equipped with a TPMS, the only thing you’ll need to do to check the pressure of your tires is to take a look at your dashboard, where you’ll find up to the minute pressure readings.

With a TPMS system, you’ll always know when it’s time to adjust the pressure of your vehicle’s tires.

Additional Signs of Low Tire Pressure

In addition to reading both low and high-tech pressure gauges, there are some other signs of low tire pressure that mean it’s time for a little service. For example, if you hear a squeaking or squealing sound when turning your vehicle, it could mean low tire pressure. Also, if the pressure in your tires gets extremely low, you should be able to tell just by looking at your wheels.

You may also be able tell if your pressure is low by touching your tires. If your tires are not firm to the touch, it means the pressure is too low.

Get Help from a Service Professional

When your tire pressure is too low, it can cause major problems for your vehicle in Daytona Beach. If you’ve noticed the signs of low tire pressure and are having trouble re-inflating your car’s tires, you should have your vehicle inspected by the service and parts department at Daytona Toyota. One of our service professionals can examine your tires, re-inflate them, or tell you if there is a problem that warrants a replacement.

Whether you need regular car service or are interested in purchasing a high-quality new or pre-owned vehicle, Daytona Toyota is here for you!